
Adding stocks for diversification to your portfoliois still the best approach for most investors. While mega-cap technology stocks continue to lead the market higher, having all one’s eggs in that basket is risky. Over time, the stock market rally will broaden out, and sector rotation will occur. When that happens, investors who have a diversified
Healthcare stocks trudged through what was a terrible 2023 for the sector. While the S&P 500 rose by 24% during 2023, the healthcare sector managed paltry returns of 0.3%.  Yet, hope springs eternal, particularly within the stock market, and investors are increasingly vocalizing their expectations for a 2024 rebound. Share prices throughout the sector remain
Regulatory pressure on businesses in the technology sector has been increasing since last year. Rules on content moderation and payment activities appeared in the government’s supervisory agenda in several countries, while President Biden’s executive order on the safety and security of artificial intelligence has already been signed. Smaller companies are holding their breath, thinking that
Global GDP growth depends on various factors of productivity and efficiency. An important driver of growth is the focus on technology and innovation. As the United States shifted focus away from manufacturing, it’s the technological edge that has ensured that the country remains the leading economy in the world. Therefore, IT stocks are always likely
The industry is witnessing a mixed bag of fortunes in the dynamic world of online streaming. Though industry bellwethers such as Netflix continue to shine, its competition is struggling, with many of them evolving into streaming stocks to sell. Moreover, certain streaming platforms are struggling remarkably in terms of their financials, with gross margins and